WHAT IS DMSO? DMSO is a prescription medicine and also a dietary supplement which can be administrated orally, topically or intravenously. DMSO or  Dimethyl sulfoxide is an approved pharmacological agent in over 100 countries. Basically it is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic compound that has been around for quite some time. Its safety and beneficial therapeutic properties are supported by close to half a century of research and  thousands of articles on its biological implications. Originally discovered back in the 60s by Dr. Stanley Jacob, it demonstrated  incredible anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties. This clear and cheap compound has shown a […]


What are the main supplements for Lyme Disease? Vitamin deficiencies are common among those suffering from Lyme Disease and its co-infections. The following list of supplements for Lyme Disease help lymies get better and overcome many of their symptoms. Supplements, vitamins, exercise and the Lyme disease diet enable them to have a “normal life”. Alpha lipoic acid It does wonders for the liver, helping it detox. It facilitates the entry of C0Q-10 which plays a vital role on your energy levels. Recommended dose: 300mg once or twice a day.   Co-Q10 (ubiquinone) The human body produces its own Co-Q10 but in a […]


Awareness Month for Lyme Disease May is one of the most important months of the year for Lymies, as it is the awareness month for Lyme disease. Although we do our best throughout the year to inform and educate people about this life-threatening illness, in May we do it in a more alert pace. That’s because the awareness campaigns move from the virtual world into the streets. Share the awareness message! You can do it at your own pace, on your own terms. There are many ways you can help raise awareness. You can distribute green ribbons and flyers, talk […]


For those of you who have been following my online awareness campaign for Lyme Disease here at A-ZLYME.COM, you will be pleased to learn that I finally added some products on my website. Now you can help me raise awareness by purchasing t-shirts or ceramic mugs displaying Lyme awareness messages. You can find them under the SHOP tab on the main menu. Thanks to your support I can afford to go on, maintain this website where I post valuable and researched information about this infamous invisible illness! For t-shirts, click HERE 👉 For mugs, click HERE 👉


HOW TO FIGHT AN YEAST INFECTION? Not only Lyme patients struggle with yeast overgrowth! Most of those who suffer from a chronic illness have a weakened immunity system. The yeast infection usually starts in the mouth and slowly makes its way down, spreading to the intestinal tract. Thus the oral hygiene plays a crucial role as it is the first line of defense against yeast. Antibiotic treatment, a diet high on sugar and highly processed foods are a sure a recipe for yeast overgrowth and other abnormal bacteria. If you are on antibiotic treatment, you are already familiar with the […]


  Nowadays numerous online sources praise the benefits of CBD oil (cannabidiol) as an alternative treatment for symptoms varying from chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, to nausea and epilepsy. As a result more and more specialists and Lyme sufferers decide to give it a try since it seems to help all kinds of conditions. In fact, there has been an increase of people coming forward and asking to legitimize hemp and CBD as medicine. In the Chinese medicine, CBD oil is a known method of pain management.   CBD (OIL) AS AN ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT FOR LYME DISEASE Some patients are still […]


Lyme never comes alone. Besides the co-infections, the people infected with Borrelia Burgdorferi may experience a myriad of symptoms, from those specific to the illness to some unexpected ones. Each day brings a new struggle. The Lyme journey is anything but boring! In fact, it is a learning experience, as the Lymies have to learn on their own how to navigate their path towards  their recovery.   As if dealing with a multitude of symptoms on a daily basis was not challenging enough, Lyme sufferers have to overcome other disheartening problems such as hair loss or nailbreaking.  Many of the […]


There is no doubt  that the moon’s gravitational pull is strong enough to control the tides. Thus why are we surprised to find out that it can affect our bodies which are just sacks of tissue and water? Everything under the sun is affected by the lunar cycles. Why should humans be different? Some people may be more aware of its effect on them while others would not have a clue about it as the effects would go unnoticed.   WORSENING SYMPTOMS NEAR THE FULL MOON How does the moon (full or new) affects each individual is hard to say […]


Can Ozone Therapy really heal Lyme or is it just another fake hope? How many of us dreamed of having this infamous illness cured, out of our systems for good? How many times did we hoped deep down inside that there will be a medical breakthrough  discovery regarding Lyme that would set us free from our misery? Our relentless air hunger and burning under the skin need to come to an end. Being tired of experimenting so many symptoms, our imagination runs wild each time we read something about a new treatment. The internet is filled with many alternative remedies […]