Years back I developed a daily habit of a looking online for news regarding Lyme Disease. Today I stumbled upon a video uploaded on Youtube by the King Institute, The Truth About Lyme Disease They Don’t Want You To Know.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that they said out in the open that Lyme is number #1 infectious disease within USA.

The lecture offers a lot of information about Lyme and the co-infections. It is worth watching it!


Among the many symptoms that a Lyme sufferer has to deal with on a daily basis, the Lyme arthritis is by far one of the most painful. The pain, the swollen joints, the stiffness experienced in the late stages of Lyme disease are hard to cope with, especially during the colder months.

Some patients find relief from pain with heat or cold therapy. By using or alternating heat or ice packs, they can reduce inflammation. In my case, it turned that only heat could help me cope with the pain.

As much as I tried to protect myself from the harsh cold by wearing all sorts of gloves to keep me warm, I still had pain in my hands. I had pain while I was outdoors and indoors.

That was until I discovered Thermoskin Arthritic Gloves which provided me the warmth and the gentle compression meant to bring me the long waited relief. For years I had been looking for some product that would help me with my rheumatic pain, that would make my aching hands feel better.

These Thermoskin gloves did the trick. I admit they were a bit pricy compared to other models available on the market, but for me, they did and still do the job. I am curious to learn more about the Thermoskin slippers if they could help or no with the pain?!

How are you protecting yourself against the cold? What are the remedies or tricks that worked for you?


When I had to stop my antibiotic treatment, I switched to essential oils, which enabled me to function at 80% capacity of what I used to be. Yes, the essential oils played an important role in my recovery.


The use of essential oils, my Lyme diet and the red infrared sauna were my only weapons left against Lyme and the co-infections I had been diagnosed with. When I started using the oils, I knew nothing about their super powers. All I had was hope. Hope that I will get better.


I did not know how they worked, what brand to buy, what combination to take or that I had to rotate them throughout the year. I was new to all that. It was through a long series of try and error that I discovered the key oils for Lyme and what worked for me.


So, here are the winners, with the link attached:


Lyme treatment and detoxification go hand in hand, as the dead spirochetes release toxins within the body; toxins continue to build up and take a toll on the liver.

If you are reading this post, I am sure that you are familiar by now with the term herx and you know what happens with your body during a Herxheimer or pathogen die-off reaction.

I personally noted that with the help of a portable far infrared sauna, I am capable of flushing a great amount of toxins from my body (neurotoxins and environmental toxins). By spending around 30 minutes each second day in the sauna, I detox my body at a deep level.

Sweating is one of the best ways to detox, as the body exploits the skin. Unlike the regular saunas, steam rooms or working out the gym, the far infrared sauna has the ability to go deep into the tissue. By emitting a deep infrared radiation, it heats up deeper levels of tissue, enabling detoxification at a cellular level.

Through sweat, a higher concentration of toxins is being eliminated, which prevents the liver and my gastrointestinal tract of getting overwhelmed.

Before you jump in, keep in mind that its ability of mobilizing toxins may trigger a bigger Herxmeiher reaction. After the sauna therapy session, you will have a greater amount of toxins circulating around in your bloodstream, which can get you exhausted. Or some symptoms may flare up.

In case your adrenal function is low, please consult with your physician or Lyme practitioner prior to usage of a Radiant Saunas Rejuvenator Portable Sauna.



I am so glad to see that Lyme gets more media coverage.  Hopefully this material from NBC New York will raise more awareness and bring some changes in the way this illness is diagnosed.


Here is the full documentary  ” The Lyme Wars – Investigating a Public Health Crisis” aired on NBC on 23-27 October, 2017.



Whenever someone asked me how was it to live with Lyme disease, I was never capable of fully explaining how that felt, without worrying for leaving something out or getting the audience bored.

No one can understand the amount of pain a Lyme sufferer must cope with on a daily basis, nor how much strength or effort it takes to go through the day, unless they go through the same thing.

Throughout the years, I learnt to cope with Lyme. Some days I win, some days I lose. It’s always a struggle. I chose to focus on what the positive aspects of my life and call myself lucky for so many reasons.

Today I stumbled upon Marisol Thomas’ speech at the Global Lyme Alliance Galla. I was moved by the way she described her daily struggle. I don’t think one could have done a better job! She really deserves that Global Lyme Alliance award!

Here’s a link to the Globally Lyme Alliance website.



As autumn arrived earlier than expected, the delightful fall foliage brought in the foil-peeping tourists. During my morning hike, I noted that autumn leaf colour phenomenon has started. On my way back to the parking lot I passed by a lot of people. To my surprise, most of them were not properly equipped for hiking.

I felt compelled to tell them to watch out for ticks. Some of them were foreign tourists who had no idea what was a tick, or barely spoke English or French, while others thanked me politely brushed me off.

I did not feel offended and did not care if they might have considered me weird. I would have probably done the same thing ten years ago. Prevention is key. I have said it a million times and I will say it again, hoping it will make a difference, that it will avoid having someone else getting Lyme.

Although more and more people get bitten, and Lyme is now making the news, some think is not real. They consider it a hoax. They do not understand the risk that they expose themselves at by hiking in shorts and flip-flops.

A simple Google search is more than enough to show that there are cases of Lyme disease within Canada. Actually, you can hear it on TV. Today  even CTV Ontario News announced that a tick found in Sudbury has tested positive for Lyme disease. If that is not enough proof, I don’t know what will be.

Would you go hiking in shorts?